National or State Government? Read each scenario. That power could belong to the state or national government, but why does the national government need it? Explain below [80 POINTS FOR GOOD ANSWERS]
[Please don't answer with short answers or I don't know]

National or State Government Read each scenario That power could belong to the state or national government but why does the national government need it Explain class=

Respuesta :

Based on the given facts, the National governments needs those powers because:

  • Taxation would allow it to raise funds to defend the nation.
  • Controlling the military would prevent interstate conflict.
  • Being able to enforce laws allows for effective governance.
  • Being the sole diplomatic body allows it to negotiate on behalf of all Americans.
  • Having a single currency makes trade easier.
  • A national court system allows for federal law to be enforced.
  • Being able to make laws ensures that several important laws applies to all Americans and that a state cannot mistreat its people.


The funds the national government gets here allows it to fund the armed forces which protect the nation.


Having one military in the hands of the national government ensures that states will not go to war with each other as they have no means to.

Enforce laws

The national government has the power to enforce laws such that governing Americans is effective and efficient.


Having the national government as the sole body responsible for negotiating with other nations and organizations ensures that all Americans benefit from such negotiations.


A single currency controlled by the national government makes it easier for Americans to trade across states.

Court System

A national court system allows for the enforcement of Constitutional principles and federal law.

Make laws

The national government being able to make laws ensures that all Americans are granted certain rights that will not be taken away by the states.

In conclusion, it is necessary that the national government has certain powers .

Find out more on national government powers at