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A product cannot be successful without quality. If a food or drink product does not taste good, then consumers will not purchase it. If a tablet does not work well, no one will want to own it. Whether Coke tastes good is a matter of opinion. Still, its popularity as a beverage cannot be denied.

And quality is certainly important to the Coca-Cola Company. In 1923, Robert Woodruff became president of the company. He immediately put an emphasis on quality. He even launched a “Quality Drink” campaign.

An appeal to emotion can build success. This can come through advertisements. Coca-Cola advertises throughout the world. Many of these ads try to trigger positive emotions. This might be through the expressions of those drinking it in the ad or through the use of other appealing visuals.

2. Focus

Most global brands focus on one or two products. Apple has its laptops and phones. McDonalds has burgers and fries. Coca-Cola has Coke. All of these companies sell other products, but they are identified by the ones that are most used and best known.

3. Company and Brand United

What if the Coca-Cola Company had been named the Carbonated Malt Syrup Company? We will never know, but this might have changed the course of the company’s history. Most successful global brands use the company name in its products. The Ford Motor Company makes Ford cars. Ikea has stores named Ikea. And of course Coca-Cola makes Coke.

4. A Global Reach

In the 1970s, Coca-Cola started an ad campaign using the song and phrase “I’d like to buy the world a Coke.” This showed the company’s desire to brand itself as a part of the world’s culture. This occurred during a time when the Coke brand truly became an international success. Surveys conducted in the late 1980s showed Coke to be the most well known brand in the world.

5. Social Responsibility

The clear goal of any company is to make money. But consumers need to know that the company thinks beyond its profits. Global brands must show social responsibility by contributing to the welfare of the world in some way. The Lego Group, known for its toy building bricks, has made this a focus. They have started to look into using more environmentally friendly materials in their products.

Coca-Cola began giving back in the early years of the company. Robert Woodruff started a foundation in Georgia where Coca-Cola is based. The foundation helps improve the quality of life in Georgia. Today, the company reaches out to many areas worldwide. Like Coca-Cola, most global brands reach out to their consumers in all of these ways.
