
Report writing
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
• Content Knowledge - You will Identify career opportunities in visual arts and discuss the education and training required for a career in visual
• Inquiry-You will conduct online research, in which you will collect information and communicate your results in written form.
• 21st Century Skills-You will employ online tools for research and analysis, Independently raise questions, pursue leads, and communicate
Read the instructions for this self-checked activity. Type in your response to each question, and check your answers. At the end of the activity, write a
brief evaluation of your work.
Perform online research and learn about the courses offered, educational Institutes, admission procedures, and prerequisites for admission in
the visual arts field of your choice.
Part A
Prepare a report based on your findings. Cover the points mentioned below in your report:
• your choice of career
• courses available
• prerequisites
• educational institutes
• admission procedures