Respuesta :

The two pieces of evidence provided by Thomas Paine in his thesis in "Common Sense" pamphlet are:

  • Without independence from British rule, the 13 colonies could not freely trade with other countries like France and Spain.

  • Without independence from British rule, the colonies will continue to endure the hostility and cruelty of the British monarch, with all the unjust taxes being imposed on the colonies.

  • These two pieces of evidence helped Thomas Paine to successfully galvanize and urge Americans to demand and fight for their independence from Britain.

  • Thomas Paine also wanted freedom from monarchism through the creation of a democratic republic, where the rule of law is king instead of an individual.

Thus, Paine's strong evidence showing how America would deteriorate under British rule and the liberty that individuals would enjoy under a democratic republic helped the American Revolution.

Read more about the American Revolution and Thomas Paine's Common Sense at