I don’t know that I would call them methods - a better word might be behaviors. And I don’t know if I can come up with ten.
Never be late for work and never leave early to go home. If you must leave early (or you know you’ll be coming in late the next day) be sure to tell your boss first.
Dress appropriately and respectfully for the job. Always start the day wearing clean clothes.
Be respectful of your boss
Do every assignment to the best of your ability. When you are finished, let your boss know and ask what you can do next rather than waiting to be told (unless you know what to do next).
Don’t whine or complain about the work assigned to you
Try to constantly learn more about your job and apply what you learn to do your job better
Don’t badmouth your fellow employees (unless specifically asked by your boss)
When it doesn’t severely impact your work, try to help out your fellow employees if they need it - especially the newer ones
Keep your work area organized
Don’t be afraid to make constructive, non-critical suggestions to your fellow employees or even your boss, but be sure the suggestions are well-researched and carefully thought out