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Predict: Of the molecules shown on the MOLECULES pane, which do you think are inputs (ingredients) in Photosynthesis?
H2O + CO2.
Which do you think are outputs?
C6H12O6 + O2.
Which molecules are inputs in Photosynthesis?
H2O + CO2.
Observe: Click Add light and look at the Output. What are the outputs of Photosynthesis?
C6H12O6 + O2.
Summarize: Although photosynthesis is a complex process involving many reactions, it can be summarized by a simplified formula that shows inputs on the left and outputs on the right. Based on your observations, write a simplified formula for photosynthesis.
H2O + CO2 C6H12O6 + O2.
Predict: Of the molecules shown on the MOLECULES pane, which do you think are inputs (ingredients) in cellular respiration?
C6H12O6 + O2.
Which do you think are outputs?
H2O + CO2.
Which molecules are inputs in Photosynthesis?
H2O + CO2.
Observe: Click Add light and look at the Output. What are the outputs of photosynthesis?
The C6H12O6 turns into, 2 Pyruvates that release, Energy.