Answer:They help to ensure the environment is optimally used well and profitable for everyone, especially with sustainable actions.
Society is everyone's responsibility. Humans are the society and for society to be maintained or sustained, everyone has to do their bit by carrying out actions to the benefit of themselves and others.
A case study is keeping the society clean, if everyone dumps trash anyhow, it's to the detriment of not just the environment but also the health of everyone, if it's otherwise, the health of everyone is preserved. This shows that everyone has a responsibility of keeping the society clean.
Another area is theft, if everyone is willing to work, no matter the kind of job, there won't be theft in the society, but we have theft due to some individuals greed and laziness.
With this scenario, you would realize that we all have a responsibility to handle our society well, and our actions are result in the lives of others.
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