A marching band takes 5 steps forward and 3 steps back during the Republic Day parade. According to this, since the wind in this marching band took a total of 460 steps, how many steps did he go from the starting point?
solution please

Respuesta :


its just one step forwards 3 steps back

Step-by-step explanation:

im sorry i hate that song its ew


Step-by-step explanation:

if you need an answer I would be 112 given the information in the question,

but there seems to be something wrong (probably my interpretation) ..

here  is the logic (and why there is an issue) ....

Assuming that every "movement" is "5 forward, then 3 back"

we can assume that every movement takes 8 steps ...

given this one would assume that the total steps has to be a multiple of 8 (but it is not)

460/8 is 57.5 ....

let us assume that came out even... every movement has five forward and three back a net result of 2 forward... if the is repeated 57.5 time the result would be 112 steps forward

it is the 57.5 that does not seem correct