Respuesta :


i don't know sorry


i am so sorry

Mon voisin d'à côté, M. Poureau, a 80 ans. Il vit à Saint Denis depuis sa naissance en 1941, lorsque la ville était occupée par les nazis. Son père meurt lors de la reconquête de Paris en 1944.

Enfant, il vivait avec sa mère à Caen, où il aidait sa famille en vendant du pain. À 18 ans, il a commencé à étudier la médecine à Paris, après quoi il est devenu le médecin le plus titré de la ville, spécialisé en chirurgie.

À 50 ans, il prend sa retraite de la médecine, ayant amassé une petite fortune qui lui permet d'arrêter de travailler. À ce jour, il vit dédié à sa famille et à l'éducation de ses petits-enfants, ainsi qu'à aider les voisins de son quartier en matière médicale.

My next door neighbor, Mr. Poureau, is 80 years old. He has lived in Saint Denis since his birth in 1941, when the city was occupied by the Nazis. His father died during the reconquest of Paris in 1944.

As a child, he lived with his mother in Caen, where he helped his family by selling bread. At 18, he began to study medicine in Paris, after which he became the city's most successful doctor, specializing in surgery.

At 50, he retired from medicine, having amassed a small fortune that allowed him to stop working. To this day, he lives dedicated to his family and the education of his grandchildren, as well as helping neighbors in his neighborhood with medical matters.

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