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An evolutionist and a creationist would interpret the evidence that the wings on flightless birds give for origin of life differently.
First, an evolutionist is someone that believes that all living organisms on earth are here as a result of descent with modification from common ancestors. In other words, evolutionists do not believe that a supreme being created living organisms.
On the other hand, a creationist believes that there is a supreme being somewhere that created all living organisms and that we are not here by evolution.
There are different evidence to back up the theory of evolution; such as homologous organs, analogous organs, vestigial organs, connecting links between organisms, similarity in biomolecules of different organisms, etc.
Thus, an evolutionist will argue that the wings on flightless birds are examples of vestigial organs. These are degenerate and useless organs found on organisms but believed to have been useful and well developed in their ancestors. The flightless bird with wings would be opined to have evolved from less complex, flying ancestors who needed to fly in order to survive in their environment.
A creationist, on the other hand, would argue that the supreme being who has the absolute power to create whatever he likes created the flightless bird with wings just as he created those that can fly with wings. Creationists do not follow the logic in science.
More on evolution and creationism can be found here: