Give your insight in the story below.
Newton the great scientist. Newton was a devout believer of God. He had a friend who was also a scientist but an atheist. One day, Newton made a model of the solar system. At the center is the gilded sun and around the sun are the planets arranged in their own orbits. When the curved handle is pulled, the planets would each revolve around its own orbit in perfect harmony. One day, the friend came to visit him and saw the model. After playing with it for a good while, he marveled and exclaimed, “Who made this?” Newton answered, “Oh, nobody. It just came about by chance.” The friend countered, “For sure someone made this, and this someone must be a genius.”
At this point, Newton patted his friend on the shoulder and said, “My friend, you cannot believe that this simple model came about by chance without somebody designing or making it; yet you say that this real and vast universe came about naturally without a God who created it. Does this make sense?”
The friend was subdued, and from then on, believed in the existence of God.