Determine whether the following numbers are rational or irrational
![Determine whether the following numbers are rational or irrational class=](
Hi! I'm happy to help.
A rational number is a number that repeats, or stops.
First of all, 8/5, in fraction and decimal form (1.6), stops, So it is Rational.
Next, we have pi. This number, doesn't ever stop, or repeat. ( 3.1415926535 897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679...) So, pi, is Irrational.
Next, we have 0. This number stops, so it is Rational.
Next, we have[tex]\sqrt{1}[/tex], the square root of 1, is 1, because 1 squared is one. 1 stops, so it is Rational.
Next, we have 4.46466... This number doesn't stop, and it doesn't seem to repeat, so it is Irrational.
Next, we have -6. -6 stops, so it is Rational.
Finally, we have [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]. The square root of 2 is 1.41421356237...
This number doesn't stop, and doesn't repeat, so it is Irrational.
To sum it up: Number 1, 3, 4, and 6 are Rational, and Number 2, 5, and 7 are Irrational.
I hope this was helpful, keep learning! :D