1. Organize Information List the major contributions

for each category listed on the chart. How do the

contributions listed on your chart support the ideals of









Respuesta :

Democracy is the term referring to the full exercise of political power by all citizens of a territory.

Through democracy, people are part of a society that values ​​and maintains a system of obligations, privileges and rights.

Democracy emerged from the combination of several concepts that sought to promote a life in a just and beneficial society. Based on this, we can point out the contribution of the categories shown in the question above as follows:

  • Judaism: Established the personal responsibilities that each individual has to society. It established moral values ​​and the need for every citizen to fight injustice.

  • Christianity: Helped to distribute the concepts of Judaism to all parts of the world, in addition to reinforcing that even people who do evil must be treated with dignity, have rights respected and maintain their responsibility with society.

  • Islam: Reinforced the concept of dignity and reinforced the responsibility of citizens to one another, which would promote a beneficial social bond. Furthermore, it reinforced the need for respect for different social groups and that all people are equal before God and justice.

  • Renaissance: Encouraged that all individuals should have their rights protected and taken seriously, regardless of social class. It reinforced the idea that people should be instructed to recognize their roles in society and their political rights. It stimulated revolts that focused on enforcing social, political and economic rules.

  • Reformation: Reinforced the idea of ​​freedom of expression and the separation of groups. It overthrew religious power and prevented the economic exploitation of people.

You can find more information about democracy at the link below:
