Here we want to calculate percentages of different values to find your final grade, we can conclude that your final grade will be 73.8
We know that:
you have an average of 62 in homework
you have an average of 93 on quiz
you have an average of 60 on test.
Your final grade will be a 30%-30%-40% of the above average scores, such that the 40% will be of the highest average.
We can see that the highest one is on quiz, then your final grade will be:
the 40% of your average quiz grade plus the 30% of your average homework grade plus the 30% of your average test grade.
This will be:
[tex]g = \frac{40 \%}{100 \%}*93 + \frac{30 \%}{100 \%}*62 + \frac{30 \%}{100 \%}*60\\\\g = 0.4*93 + 0.3*62 + 0.3*60 = 73.8[/tex]
We can conclude that your final grade will be 73.8
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