Outstanding checks - Book side
Deposits in transit - Book side
Bank service charges - Bank side
NSF Check - Book side
The bank reconciliation helps identify the transactions that have been recorded in the cash book but omitted from the bank statement and vice versa.
Considering the given items
Outstanding checks - These are checks that have been written and deducted from the cash balance in the book but yet to be recognized or cleared in the bank statement.
Deposits in transit - The amount would appear on the book side as it represents amounts that have been collected but yet to be deposited and subsequently recognized in the bank statement.
Bank service charges - These are charges that have been recognized in the bank but yet to be recorded or deducted from the cash balance in the books.
NSF Check - This represents customer's debt settlement via check that has not been honoured by the bank. Hence this will have to be deducted from the cash balance in the books