Respuesta :
It was not his dream, but the dream Mina watched endlessly every night. It was not a dream anymore. But had become an obsession. Madhav did not long for anything more than to become a IAS. To drag his mother from the miseries of a low lying life. His mother Meena who was a mere widow, who lost her husband before she could know what was actually being one, and who had lost her youth by this time, when she became a mother at the tender age of 17. A widow and a victim of child marriage, she had no life of her own. But she had dreams. The dreams which she saw through Madhav's eyes.
At the age of 14 whrn Madhav was about to give away his board exam, all that he had in his mind was to become a bus conductor. The bus of his uncle, who tried to win him over by lurring him with a small amount of money and in return wanted to have a full time servant.
But his mother never ceased dreaming.
Madhav had no importance for her mother's dreams, all he knew was to find himself some money at the end of the day.
So Mina finally did something that was unexpected. One morning when Madhav went to school sulkingly, and ha the shock o his life, his mother standing on the gate as the gatekeeper. He was ashamed to the core. Questioning his mother he was faced with only one answer, her dream which was put to shame by her only son. Gradually as time passed, he saw his mother toil hard doing odd jobs for saving money for him. Slow realisation an guilt sank into him, and a change o heart had begun. Yet the journey was still a ling way.
12 years down the line a pannel of interviewers ask a candidate a question in the civil mains. Why do u want to become a IAS? And comes the answer" Because the school gatekeeper wanted to prove that the red light vehicle is not reserved only for upper class". After he received the call letter by post after some months, a glint of happiness caught his eyes. He had won tje competition and proved his mother right.