Data administration.
Data management is a type of infrastructure service that avails businesses (companies) the ability to store and manage corporate data while providing capabilities for analyzing these data.
A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.
Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.
Hence, a database management system (DBMS) is a system that enables an organization or business firm to centralize data, manage the data efficiently while providing authorized users a significant level of access to the stored data.
Data administration is a strategic process that is typically responsible for establishing information policy, data planning, data dictionary development, and monitoring data usage in the firm.