2.1.10 Practice: Complete Your Assignment

Write an essay that compares and contrasts a Whitman poem with a Dickinson poem. You'll decide how the poets' attitudes or perspectives are alike and different, based on how they use poetic devices such as rhyme and figurative language.
Think about how you might sum up your whole analysis in a single claim. Then think about how you might support your claim with evidence — particularly quotes from the two poems. Finally, consider what commentary you can give that will help readers understand how your evidence supports your claim.
Your essay should include the following elements:

A claim that compares poetic devices in the two poems and explains how they show each poet's outlook
An introduction with a claim, a summary of the poems, and a prediction of the topics you'll cover
Body paragraphs with topic sentences, evidence from the poems, and commentary about your evidence
A conclusion that reviews your main points and makes a final statement for readers to carry away
Transitions that ease readers from one topic to the next and show connections between ideas
You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.

Respuesta :

Hello. This question requires a personal answer as it requires you to show your interpretation of two poems and it requires you to show how you can perceive the literary resources used by the authors and how the poem is developed by them. In that case, I can't write an essay for you, but I can show you how to write one.

First, you must choose the poems that will be analyzed so that you can write your essay. I would recommend for you the poems "Lucy's Song" by Charles Dickens and "Sometimes with One I Love" by Walt Whitman, as they are short poems, easy to understand and are popular poems with many analyzes spread around the internet which you can read and use of inspiration for writing your essay.

Once you have read the two poems, you should note what your perception of them is, how the authors develop them, what literary techniques they use and how the poems differ and resemble. After that, you can write your essay as follows:

  1. Introduction: Where you will quickly present the poems and what they are about.
  2. Body: You will write two paragraphs, each paragraph will present your perceptions of one of the poems, where you will show the techniques used by the authors and how they develop the poem to the point of allowing you to understand the message conveyed by the poem. The information in these paragraphs must be supported by quotations from the poems.
  3. Conclusion: You will end your essay by showing your final opinion on these poems, how they relate to each other and the final message that can be drawn from them.

You can find more information on writing an essay at the following link:
