Research and write about the psychologist Leon Festinger and his theory of cognitive dissonanceExplain the theory with an example. Mention an experience when youconsciously or unconsciously, modified your behavior or to reduce the feelings of dissonance (for example, justifying something you did or bought, which you may have had second thoughts about). Alsoresearch and write about Festinger's social comparison theory, and discuss upward and downward social comparison Provide examples from your own life where you engaged in this comparison process to assess yourself in comparison to others.
Please answer quickly!!!

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In 1964, Festinger moved from social psychology to research on visual perception. ... His social psychological research concerned how people resolve conflict (group dynamics), ambiguity (social comparison), and inconsistency (cognitive dissonance)—all manifestations of pressures for uniformity. Festinger's theory proposes that inconsistency among beliefs or behaviours causes an uncomfortable psychological tension (i.e., cognitive dissonance), leading people to change one of the inconsistent elements to reduce the dissonance or to add consonant elements to restore consonance.

Leon Festinger was one of the most important figures in modern psychology and contributed several theories that are still important today for our understanding of the communication process, particularly the individual's exposure to communication and processes of opinion formation and judgment
