
Macbeth asks the witches, “shall Banquo’s issue ever / Reign in this kingdom?” (4.1.102-103). What do the witches show him as a response? What does this indicate?

Respuesta :

When Macbeth asks the witches, "shall Banquo's issue ever / Reign in this kingdom?", he is asking if Banquo's descendants will ever become kings. As a response, the witches show him Banquo's ghost followed by eight of his descendants. This indicates that Banquo's sons will indeed reign.

  • "Macbeth" is a famous tragic play by British author and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616). The main character, Macbeth, is an ambitious and dangerous man who kills those he thinks will get in his way to the throne of Scotland.
  • In the scene we are analyzing here, Macbeth is asking three witches to prophesy about his best friend, Banquo. It turns out that they tell him Banquo and his sons will indeed become kings by showing Macbeth Banquo's ghost followed by 8 others who look just like him. In his ambition to reign, Macbeth pays someone to kill Banquo.
  • Thus, we can conclude that the vision indicates that Banquo and / or his descendants will become kings of Scotland.

Learn more about Macbeth and Banquo here: