The algorithm is as follows:
1. Start
2. Capacity = 100%
3. Input Status (True/False)
4. While Status == True
4.1. Read Quantity (%)
4.2. Capacity = Capacity - Quantity
4.3. If Capacity < 40%
4.3.1 Display Yellow Flash
4.4. Input Status (True/False)
5. Stop
This starts the algorithm
1. Start
The capacity of the machine is initialized to 100%
2. Capacity = 100%
This gets the status of the sales
3. Input Status (True/False)
The following iteration is repeated until the status is false
4. While Status == True
Read current sales quantity from the user
4.1. Read Quantity (%)
Remove the quantity from the capacity
4.2. Capacity = Capacity - Quantity
Check is capacity is below 40%
4.3. If Capacity < 40%
If yes, display yellow flashes
4.3.1 Display Yellow Flash
This gets the status of the sales
4.4. Input Status (True/False)
End algorithm
5. Stop