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Nutritional coaches give healthy eating behaviours and also give insight to take responsibities to our own helath.
Setting goals is important so that the patient can easily keep focused on the goals they have.
The existence of goals allows the patient to remember what they want to achieve and thus feel more motivated to work to achieve them.
Some nutritional customers may aim to lose weight, gain weight, increase muscle mass, regulate vitamins and nutrients, among others. Based on these goals, nutrition coaches should be concerned with the following elements:
- Creating realistic goals: The trainer of a client who wants to lose weight, for example, cannot create goals where the patient will lose a lot of pounds in a few days, but show that this weight loss will happen progressively and slowly.
- Creating short-term goals: If the client wants to lose 20 pounds in a year, the trainer should create short-term goals, where the client loses a little bit each month. This excites the customer and shows that the customer is making progress.
It is also important that both the client and the coach know about the seven steps of goal creation as this can help them organize their goals and stay motivated. These rules are:
- The client must think about everything he wants to achieve in relation to his nutritional health.
- The client must create specific, measurable, achievable, realistic goals and set a time frame to reach them.
- The client should write down their goals, as putting them down on paper makes them official and serves as a reminder to the client.
- The client must create an action plan where he shows what must be done to reach the established goals.
- The client must create a timeline where he shows his short and long term goals and the dates he intends to reach each one of them.
- The client must strive to act according to its plan.
- The client should assess progress and make changes to goals if deemed necessary.
You can find more information about the goal creation process at the link below: