Respuesta :
1. The topic sentence is Sentence (1).
2. Sentence (5) is irrelevant to the paragraph.
3. The structural order that the paragraph uses is Comparison and Contrast.
4 - 8. The most effective order for developing a paragraph on each of the following topics is:
Topic Effective Structural Order
My Summer Vacation Chronological order
How to House-Train Your Dog Order of importance
The Pros and Cons of Home Ownership Comparison and contrast
The Well-Organized Office Spatial order
Project Feasibility Report Order of importance
9 - 11. The topic sentence is the sentence that contains the main idea of a paragraph. It is a combination of the topic and the controlling idea behind the topic.
When you read the topic sentence, it shows the main point that the writer wants to convey to her readers. The reader is focused on what the remaining passage is discussing. The topic sentence unifies the paragraph based on the paper's thesis.
1 (1)
2 (5)
3 Comparison and contrast
4 Chronological order
5 Chronological order
6 Comparison and contrast
7 Spatial order
8 Order of importance
9 A topic sentence is a statement of the main idea or point of a piece of writing. It tells the reader what the rest of the paragraph will be about.
10 end
11 transitional