Karl is visiting his brother out of town while he is off at college. Karl's brother decides to have some friends over, and Karl loses track of time. A while later, Karl realizes he has not seen his brother since the friends arrived and goes to look for him. He finds his brother in his bedroom and tries to speak to him, but he does not care about anything Karl is saying, has cold, clammy skin, and seems to be on the verge of passing out. Karl knows his brother has a history of taking hydrocodone prescription drugs.
What should Karl do in this situation?
A. Ask his brother's friends to come in and help to see if they know what to do.
B. Call 911 first, then try to keep his brother awake and prevent him from passing out.
C. Have his brother take a shower to wake him up and be more alert.
D. Give his brother as many fluids as possible to get him hydrated quickly.