Indicate the method you would use to prove the triangles congruent. If no
method applies, enter "none."
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Step-by-step explanation:

I suspect we don't see the full information for the problem here.

all listed 3 methods are typically used to prove that triangles are congruent (= when turned to have the same orientation, they would simply cover each other completely - no overhanging parts from either triangle).

I guess there is a diagram with 2 triangles and what is known about them.

and since we cannot see them, we cannot tell you which method would apply here.

just remember

SSS means all 3 sides of one triangle are exactly the same as the 3 sides of the other triangle. if you know the lengths of all 3 sides, there is only one triangle you can create. you can only orient it differently.

SAS means two sides and the enclosed angle are the same. again, only one triangle can be created with that information.

ASA means one side and the 2 angles at the end points of that side are known. again, only one triangle can be created with that information.