
The image shown is an illustration of Kepler’s second law. An illustration with a circle representing the sun and a smaller circle representing a planet. The sun is at a focus of a draw ellipse that the planet is on. There are lines drawn radially out from the Sun to the elliptical path of the planet. The planet is at the part of the ellipse that is closest to the sun. The position of the planet is labeled W and the position opposite the planet is labeled Z. The line closest to W is labeled X and the line closest to Z is labeld Y. Which conclusion is best supported by the image? The gravitational force at W is less than the gravitational force at Y. The time needed to travel from W to X is the same as the time needed to travel from Y to Z. The gravitational force at W is the same as the gravitational force at Y. The time needed to travel from W to X is greater than the time needed to travel from Y to Z.