(BRAINLIEST AWARD!! LAST QUESTION!!) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution stated that an organism could pass on to its offspring all characteristics it had acquired in its lifetime. Which of these statements best explains why this theory is considered invalid at present? (1 point)

Modern scientists accept only new scientific theories.

Most of the scientists worldwide do not accept this theory.

All old theories change into new theories over a period of time.

Newspapers and science magazines do not publish this theory any more.

Respuesta :


Most of the scientists worldwide do not accept this theory.


Lamarck's theory states that acquired traits can be passed on from parents to offspring. This theory can not be sufficiently substantiated by indisputable scientific evidences hence it is not accepted by majority of scientists worldwide.

Since science is empirical and the theory is mostly based on vague speculations rather than concrete evidence, it was long rejected by many biologists.

This theory suggests that all life forms will gradually evolve from simple to complex organisms while the simple organisms gradually disappear. This is not the case.