can anyone please tell in English what is want to write here

It is introduction.
1. My name is ______.
2. I am a _____.
3. I am ____ years old.
4. I study in ________ school.
5. My father's name is ________.
6. My mother's name is _______.
7. I study in ______ class.
8. I like _______ colour
9. I like eating ______ very much.
10. My friend's name is _______.
This is what it wants to say.
If you want any more help in Hindi, just ask.
I will give you some word meanings also:
मेरा my
नाम name
है is
मैं I
एक a/one
हूं am
मैं I
साल year/years
का of
हूं am
मैं I
स्कूल School
में in
पढ़ता study (masculine)
पढ़ती study (feminine)
मेरे my (respected masculine or plural, means the person you are talking about is masculine, not you)
पिता father
का of
नाम name
है is
मेरी my (respected feminine or simple feminine, means the person you are taking about is feminine, not you)
मां/माताजी mother (It is optional like mom and mother, the later one is formal)
का of
नाम name
है is
मैं I
कक्षा class
में in
पढ़ता study (masculine)
पढ़ती study (feminine)
हूं am
मुझे I
रंग colour
पसंद like
है is
मुझे I
खाना eat
बहुत very
पसंद like
है is
मेरे My (masculine, means the person you are talking about is masculine, not you)
मेरी My (feminine, means the person you are taking about is feminine, not you)
दोस्त friend
है is