Each month your cell phone company charges you $ 50 for your plan plus 3 cents for each text you send. You have $ 140 budgeted for cell phone expenses for the month. Construct an inequality to make a determination about the number of texts you can send each month. Note that you cannot send a fraction of a text. You must send _____________ _____________ texts this month in order to stay within

Respuesta :


3000 text messages can be sent without breaking the budget.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since each month your cell phone company charges $ 50 for your plan plus 3 cents for each text you send, and you have $ 140 budgeted for cell phone expenses for the month, to make a determination about the number of texts you can send each month the following calculation must be performed:

(140 - 50) / 0.03 = X

90 / 0.03 = X

3000 = X

Therefore, 3000 text messages can be sent without breaking the budget.