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Very good morning and a warm welcome to everybody present here today. Today, I will be talking on the topic of‘ drug abuse’.

The word ‘drug’ when it comes to one’s mind, is taken in a negative sense as it is often misused. If the drugs are used for serving a useful purpose, it could bring a considerable change in the lives of people.

The drug is not a dangerous substance itself. But people misuse it in many ways. It is highly dangerous and can cause serious health problems if one takes it on a regular basis. The drug has become a trend in today’s world. Today’s generation has become obsessed with following whatever is new or trending in the world. Such is the situation in case of drugs.Pharmaceutical drugs are classified into the following groups that have the same kind of chemical structure, mechanisms of actions, mode of action of the same type of drugs, etc. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification is the most popularly used drug classification system. It assigns a unique code or the ATC code to each drug. The ATC code is an alphanumeric code. It assigns that specific drug within the ATC system.

Another essential classification system that is widely used for drug classification is the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. This system classifies the drugs according to their solubility and permeability or absorption properties.

There are also different kinds of drugs. Among them, Psychoactive drugs play an essential role. It consists of chemical substances that are very harmful to the human body. It has a high chance to affect the function of the nervous system of a human being. These drugs can affect one’s stability of mind, inflict mood swings, etc.These psychoactive drugs have a significant impact on people. These drugs mainly consist of depressants, antidepressants, hallucinogens, etc. and have been proven extremely useful. It has also gained huge success in treating mental disorders around the world. The drugs that are used in a wide variety in the world are caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and many more. These drugs are considered to be recreational drugs. Recreational drugs refer to the drugs that are consumed for pleasure and not for medical purposes.

Abuse of such psychoactive drugs can turn out to be very dangerous to the entire humankind. It can cause psychological or physical addiction. All these drugs have tremendous side effects; these side effects can later give rise to several diseases.Thus, the government has come up with strict rules and regulations regarding the production of these drugs. This industry is closely supervised, so the smuggling of drugs can be reduced as much as possible.

It is our duty as responsible citizens of our country not to misuse the drugs as it will cost us our lives and follow the rules and regulations of the government appropriately. If we see any such crime, we should immediately report it to the nearest police station.

Thank you, everyone, for your patience and for giving an earful to my speech. I hope everyone has a great day ahead.
