With the curvature of the chinaware, it produces part or whole ellipse that could be combined with other sizes of this form. Rectangular base for the tray is then cut by lines to give the angles seen on this image. The spoons are rectangles and 2D egg- shaped forms as structured by ellipses. When we look more closely, the bread slices are also constructed as rectangular boxes along with the sugar in the bowl constructed by cylinders. The tongs on top are two rectangular forms with a ellipse negative space at the end. You can also see on the bottom, not on the tray but just before it, a pyramid shaped bread crumb that has been torn off. There is also a half ellipse balancing on the side of the plate and rectangular box crumb next to a spoon. The amount of detail on the China gives off the impression of an onset time of nobility, providing a general idea of the background of the people who the set belongs to. These items are arranged in 3 main lines as though they have been served, however everything is in disarray, giving off the idea that the event has ended.
With the event ended, the lighting also gives this effect. By having a dark background, and an angled light that is not directly above it not only gives the idea of loneliness or the event closing with the day, but the lack of care towards the belongings of others. This is due to the disorder and now need of someone to clean it up. Despite the slickness of the surfaces, the appearance of 3D tangible objects, there is still further the matter of how it is presented. Nothing is bright appearing but dull, giving the viewer this feeling of coldness after everything has been concluded.