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Tapestry: This is a piece of fabric with patterns strewn into it to form designs or pictures. It is an interconnection of patterns. They can be displayed on walls and used in designing homes.
Monument: This is a statue erected to serve as a remembrance for someone popular. It can also be erected to commemorate a notable event. They are placed at unique sites where they are visible to sight-seers.
Portrait: This is a painting or picture displaying a person, but especially, the face, shoulder, and upper body of the individual. It basically depicts the mood of that person. Portraits have been used to display historical figures in museums. An example is the portrait of the Mona Lisa, which was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
Tapestry is a heavy hand-woven textile used for depicting a story. In the time they were made, they were also used to keep homes warm by covering the walls.
A monument is a memorial, a lasting remembrance, or evidence of an event. For example, there is a statue of Balto somewhere. It serves to remember how the dogs saved the lives of people who lived in a little town by sledding food to them.
A portrait is a painting of a person. It can be used to capture the essence of a person and remember important people of a time period.
Tapestry: A heavy hand-woven textile used for depicting a story. Monument: A memorial, a lasting remembrance, evidence. Most often a statue or other physical three-dimensional structure. Portrait: A likeness of someone,usually painted or sculpted.