Respuesta :
Rise and Fall
Firm as a rock and more cruel than a Barbarian was this fellow
He was a horrid and tenebrous master
The crown prince of Raptor the undefeated kingdom
He made many plans and all were costly
Soon he became as poor as a beggar
So a wedding became his solution out of debt
The prince wed the wonderful Etta from the kingdom of Tep and soon became king after he murdered his father in such brutal matter, he was a barbaric being and such thing was a fact
After a while he had a daughter, and a creature with a green complexion and human features asked for his daughter that he may be wed to her when she was all grown
However the Prince who was now King did not delight in such a matter and threw the creature out of his castle and cast him out of his kingdom
The creature swore to have the girl as a bride and to leave the King in ruin
In the meantime the king drank and enjoyed himself like a hummingbird
He pleased himself in torturing men and women alike and pleased himself in having multiple women, he was like an animal
However, soon came the day when the baby girl was now 18 years of age
She would dream of monsters and all sorts of creatures and she was drawn to them, she was a woman of visions
She would frequently dream of a green fellow who had human characteristics yet his face was abnormal yet she drew a liken to him
In a day like any other she went outside the castle and heard a beautiful flute playing so she followed the tune, it drove her out of the kingdom only to find the creature she dreamed of so much
When both saw each other they embraced and tears flowed from both cheeks
He asked from her, her hand in marriage and she accepted and afterwards they eloped
Now having taken the princess away and forming the scandal that it was with a horrendous creature the King would no longer receive benefit from Ettas parents
They no longer gave him silver coins to use it on the things he most desired, he was in ruin once more so due to desesperarían he took a dagger and plunged it into his heart