1)Inside the top border, write the title and author of your choice book. Be sure to underline the title of the book if it is handwritten or italicize if it is typed.
2)On the side and bottom borders, write some of the major themes of the work. Themes can be the lessons or the central ideas of the book.
D)Inthefirstupper-leftsquare(labeled1)writeashortpersonalstatement about your choice book. This personal statement should be more than just describing the book, but should explain what you have learned from reading the book.
d. In the upper-right square (labeled 2) you will need to include words or images that illustrate the importance of the setting. The setting can include where the story takes place (ex: Raynham, Massachusetts) and the time period (ex: 1930s). You may also include historical events that are taking place in the book.
e. Inthelarge,middlerectangle(labeled3)youwilldescribethekey characters from the book using words and images.
f. Finally, in the large, bottom rectangle (labeled 4) select three quotes from the text that illustrate the themes that appear in the border of your one-pager. Be sure to use quotation marks and list the page where this quote can be found. Around the quote you may select images that relate to the quote or images that relate to the theme the quote illustrates