1. Discuss the special conflict that Erikson believed marked young adulthood. Then describe how an individual
could best resolve this conflict.
2. Why is postformal thought considered to be the most advanced level of thinking? Give an example of
postformal thought vs. the previous stage of concrete operational thinking.
3. Describe the concept of personal control beliefs, both primary and secondary.
4. Define fluid and crystallized intelligence. How does each change throughout our lifespan? What does this
developmental trend imply?
5. Using the formula for Body Mass Index (BMI) on page 266 of your text, calculate the BMI for a person who
weighs 190 lbs, and is 5 ft 8 inches tall. Would they be considered overweight or obese?

Respuesta :


1. Erikson believed that young adults are at the age where they try to balance between nostalgia for their childhood and an eagerness to embrace adulthood. This is a difficult stage, but if they can find a partner, or start their own family, it can help them come to terms with this conflict.

2. Postformal thought is more advanced than concrete operational thinking because it involves abstract reasoning and the ability to think about things outside of one’s own experience. It also includes self-insight about how people view themselves in relation to others.

3. According to Erikson, primary control beliefs are ones that are based on the child’s actual experiences. Secondary beliefs are based on how the child’s parents told them things should be. Children with primary control beliefs tend to have more self-esteem and feel more in control of their world, while children with secondary control beliefs tend to have less self-esteem and feel more helpless.

4. Intelligence is fluid during childhood and early adulthood but becomes crystallized around age 30 when we begin to specialize in areas that interest us most.

5. The trend that intelligence is fluid during childhood and crystallized after age 30 implies that if you continue your education after 30, you will improve your intelligence level.

5. You would be considered overweight or obese, but this also depends on how tall you are. The standards are based on BMI per height scale.