I believe that institutional discrimination does not occur because people purposefully act in a discriminatory way.
Institutional discrimination is the term that refers to racist concepts, customs and norms that are highly rooted in society and people's thinking, which are promoted and carried out as something common and cultural. Institutional discrimination is a racist act, but the people who practice it, fail to realize that they are being discriminatory and do not have, in most cases, the discernment that they are being racist and are causing social imbalance. An example of this occurs when a leader of an institution organizes the place by separating people by racial groups. This leader did not intend to discriminate against anyone, but by separating social races he established that they should not be together, which promoted discrimination.
In this way, I believe that institutional discrimination is not done because people purposely want to act in a discriminatory way, but because they did small discriminatory acts, without intention.