
Proofread and make any necessary corrections. 1. The girl and the boy (take, takes) special care to handle the puppies gently. 2. The puppies' eyes were dark brown, and (shined, shone) with their tears. 3. The veterinarian (set, sat) aside his instruments and petted the puppies. 4. Cats and dogs can be taught to (sit, set) quietly together and not fight. 5. My cat Sadie carries (her, its) toys around and places them in (their, there) secret hiding places. 6. Having pets is a really good way to teach younger kids in the family, to be responsible and care for others. 7. I like swore to my mother that I would take care of feeding a snake if we got one.​

Respuesta :

The girl and boy take special care to handle the puppies gently.

The puppies' eyes were dark brown and shone with their tears.

The veterinarian set aside his instruments and petted the puppies.

Cats and dogs can be taught to sit quietly together and not fight .

My cat Sadie carries her toys around and places them in their secret hiding places.

Having pets is a decent way to teach younger kids in a family to be responsible and care for others.

I swore to my mother that I would feed the snake if we got one.


1. "takes" is for singular nouns, like "he takes" or "she takes". When there are two or more things "taking" something, then it's "take"

2. "Shined" is for describing something like "he shined the light". in this case, "shone" is more proper

3. "Sat" is the act of sitting. "Set" is the act of putting something somewhere.

4. Although it's not good to assume genders, it's necessary in this case. "There" refers to a place. "Their" is somebody's or something's object.

5. see # 3

6. "Really good" can be replaced with decent. Means just about the same thing.

7. "like" doesn't belong before "to my mother". It doesn't make any sense. The last chunk of the sentence can be replaced by "I would feed the snake if we got one." "a snake" wouldn't make much sense because the sentence already stated, "if we got one".
