the following data represent the number of people aged 25-64 years covered by health insurance (private or government) in 2018. approximate the mean and standard deviation

Respuesta :


mean = find the total of people in such data by adding up all the totals of people represented by each age then  divide that total by 2.

mean = with cumulative or frequency graphs if the numbers range individually like 25-30 and 30-35 etc and so on then you take the midpoint age and multiply it by the frequency number in new column add up both columns then divide by smaller total.

mean = histogram total number of data ie) from 270 people (80 x 0 = 0), (40 x 2 = 0) and so on multiplying the frequency. then add them all up in new column ie) 380 among 270 people = 1.4  

mode = histogram highest box

median = histogram add up all data number divided by 2 and can draw this on graph as they sort of are in order ie) 15 to the left and 15 to the right

To find standard deviation you need the copulative formula and the notation change for sample shows the small m and s to represent standard deviation ie) m-n is a notation difference for samples of population's

n = number of scores ie)  = 50  

Ex = then sum of x  = would be the collective total  ie) = 270

m = 270/50 = 5.4

Ex^2 = 270 x 270 = 72900   (the square of the total population)

SS = Sum of squares = 72,900 - ( 270^2 / 50) are all the variables.

is the formula  = 71,442

the root of SS -1

S^2 = 270 / (50 -1) =  270/49 = 5.51

S = sqrt S^2 = sqrt SS /n-1 = sq rt 50 = and you get your answer here.

Standard Deviation on data example here shown is;

S = sqrt 5.51 = sqrt 71442 / n-1 = sq rt 71442/ 50-1 = sq rt 71442/49 = 38.1837662  from a 270 population that exists with 50 age group 25 -75 to show the ease here and how to remember.

Just retrace and where 270 is change for total

Where 50 is put 64-25 = 39

and where n-1 is put 39-1 and always subtract first before dividing as the formula protects the brackets as seen in bold.

As your very last formula is S = SS/n-1

Step-by-step explanation: