Narrate a story about the best, strangest, funniest or worst thing that happened to you on a vacation or trip to another place. Focus on events and experience.

Respuesta :


This story is about the s t  r  a n g  e s t thing that happened to me on a vacation:

When I was 10 years old, on my summer vacation, my parents decided to visit relatives who lived in a mostly rural town, a farm with different animals and a large blackberry plantation, which was their main livelihood, the first day they we arrived, my parents and relatives stayed talking until very late in a cabin that contained the kitchen, a bathroom and a living room, while I went to another cabin that contained the rooms, I was watching cartoons on television, suddenly , I heard the flapping of a bird and I could hear how it landed on the roof of the cabin where I was, it seemed a bit s t r a n g e that the sound was so heavy, but I have always been a very logical boy, so which I decided to cheer myself up and d o w n p l a y it, I kept watching the cartoons for an hour more and went to sleep, but I never heard that the bird resumed its flight, even so, I preferred to play strong and assume that it had already left without I gave myself on account, the next day, at breakfast time, one of my relatives told us that exactly five years ago an uncle of his who lived there had d i e d naturally, and among all the stories of that person, they told us that he had a g i r l f r i e n d in his youth whom he a c c u s e d of being a w i t c h, since once he f i n i s h e d with her, he constantly heard how a bird perched on the roof of his cabin at night, visiting him every night until A priest from the area went to sprinkle holy water and gave him a little to drink from time to time, the story made me give a s h i  v e r that ran through my entire s p i n e and from there, during the remaining days, I never went to sleeping alone in the cabin with the rooms, I always waited for my parents to go to sleep so I could stay there, hoping that I would never hear the sound of flapping and the bird perching again before sleeping.


In history, I tell you the s t r a n g e s t thing that has happened to me and that you can take as yours, although this type of h o r r o r stories may be found on the internet, this story is my own and is one of the s t r a n g e s t things that have happened to me, both the coincidences of the previous night and the anniversary of the d e a t h  of my distant relative, as well as that the next day they will tell us an event exactly like the one that had happened to me.