How do each of the following elements relate to Macbeth? (chronological in the play)
Element 1: The protagonist is a person of nobility, having exceptional character and vitality.
Element 2: The hero is so placed in society that his actions involve the well-being of all its members.
Element 3: The plot of the play should show him working to achieve some goal very dear to him.
Element 4: This action will involve him in making a moral decision which influences the outcome of the story. This decision is influenced by the hero’s hamartia, a tragic flaw in his character which leads to his downfall and death. Often the tragic flaw is the protagonist’s strongest quality of character brought to the extreme.
Element 5: His downfall results from his choices, decisions which set off a train of events he does not foresee, nor can he halt.
Element 6: When it becomes too late to escape, the tragic hero comes to realize what has happened to him, and dies finally, bitter, burnt-out, and desperate.
Element 7: His death is usually violent and hostile. It results from the activities of his enemies (ie. his nemesis), or some supernatural force that is hostile to him or to all humanity (ie. Satan, malevolent fate).
Element 8: Central to tragedy is audience sympathy. The playwright must attempt to raise the passions of the audience with regards to the plight of the hero. The conclusion of the action will bring a release from this emotion (called catharsis).
Element 9: The hero’s death at the end not only releases him from life’s burdens, and the audience from its tension, but it also releases the hero’s society from the disorder his downfall has caused. Chaos gives way to order. My