Write a manifesto of not less than 600 words on how to fix the country and restore hope in political government.​

Respuesta :



Together we can do it !!!

The number of primary schools will be increased

The secondary curriculum will be improved

More colleges will be built

Educational subsidies will be introduced

Public libraries will be built

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do it !!!

Railroads will be improved

Subways can be at your doorsetp

More highways can be built

Teslas can be affordable

Trams will be better

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Price of the food can be lowered

Cheese can once more be affordable

Hunger will be erradicated

Clean water will be added

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Anti-corruption squad will be introduced

Income tax department will look for the tax

And the money with rich will be reused

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

More public hospitals will be built

More doctors will be in it

Disease will never be a problem

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Old age sucks, no pension even more

Money will be provided to pensioners

And the old age department will be responsible

Grandpas and grandmas can yet again live life freely

Provided they vote for us


Together we can do it !!!

Big construction projects will be into action

All the tax will now be put

Provided you vote for us


Pls vote as brainliest