This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the purposes of this question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each document and any point of view that may be presented in the document. Keep in mind that the language used in a document may reflect the historical context of the time in which it was written. An enduring issue is a challenge or problem that has been debated or discussed across time. An enduring issue is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. Task: Identify and define an enduring issue raised by this set of documents Using your knowledge of social studies and evidence from the documents, argue why the issue you selected is significant and how it has endured across time

Respuesta :

Hello. Unfortunately you have not attached the documents to which the question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try and help as best I can.

The only way to answer your question is to read the documents. This reading should be done by you. While reading, you should be able to identify a situation that had a very intense impact on society, causing profound changes that harmed the population and should be resolved. This situation is the issue you need to identify. Once you find it, you should look at why it was so impactful, what secondary problems it triggered, how long it took to resolve, and how it transformed society at the time.