Marcella has always wanted to become a professional interpreter and has just completed her bachelor's degree and a training course in ASL interpreting. Next, Marcella will need to take a test sanctioned by the national membership organization for interpreters that advocates for excellence in the profession. What is this organization called?

Organization of Associated Deaf Individuals
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
Organization for ASL Excellence
Coalition for ASL Interpreters (CASLI)

Respuesta :

Answer: The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf


The national membership organization for interpreters that advocates for excellence in the profession is the registry for interpreters for the deaf.

The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc (RID) is simply a non-profit organization, that was founded in 1964 that uphold the standards, and the professionalism for the American Sign Language interpreters.