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Answer The American dream of the mid-late 20th century was all about being the best and sticking more to the traditional family values, gaining freedom from oppression in minority’s and rights for women. Whereas today it’s all about being different and going against the system. It has also changed from economic prosperity and getting rich to bringing down the rich and making them pay for everything. The ideals of capitalism are seeming being replaced with more communist like ideals and the youth are the ones pushing this agenda. I believe the days of prosperity in the U.S are numbered if we continue down the path we have been going the past few years. In the time when are Grandparents were growing up most American’s had a shot

Figures like Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton continually chant that the wealthy need to pay their fair share and their huge backing are college age people that have not a clue how the real world works. In an interview about the resurgence of communism and it’s affect in America with a pro-communist named Matt published by the Western Journalism Matt explains “Communism is a socio-economic system whose foundation rests in the abolition of private property. I find it appealing because I believe it produces the most moral and free society possible. But my finding it appealing rather pales in comparison to my belief that it is necessarily and functionally inevitable for human society.” Isn’t this the exact opposite of what America stands for, America was founded on carving your own path not conforming to a norm. We should be a people independent of government care not depending on them to provide for are very basic needs. This is why we have the Bill of Rights, this was created to protect us from our own government. “The habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres .
