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Types of Learning

Animals may learn behaviors in a variety of ways. Some ways in which animals learn are relatively simple. Others are very complex. Types of learning include the following:



Classical conditioning.

Operant conditioning.

Observational learning.


Insight learning.

Step-by-step explanation:

Example of learned behaviors in Animals:

Learned Behavior Young prairie dogs provide an example of learned behaviors. By observing adult prairie dogs, young prairie dogs quickly learn to always be watchful for predators. They learn to recognize the warning call of adult prairie dogs and to dive into the safety of their burrow when danger is near.


Step-by-step explanation:

Types of learning include habituation, sensitization, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning, play, and insight learning. One of the simplest ways that animals learn is through habituation, where animals decrease the frequency of a behavior in response to a repeated stimulus.