When considering free energy change, biochemists usually define a standard state, the biochemical standard state, which is modified from the chemical standard state to fit biochemical applications. Determine which of the phrases describe the biochemical standard state, the chemical standard state, or both.

a. Temperature is 25C
b. Initial concentration of reactants and products is 1M

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Chemical standard state

a. Temperature is 25C

b. Initial concentration of reactants and products is 1M

Biochemical standard state

a. Temperature is 25C

b. Initial concentration of reactants and products is 1M


The standard state is the reference state of a material which can be used to calculate its properties under other nonstandard conditions.

The biochemical standard state include;

a. Temperature is 25C

b. Initial concentration of reactants and products is 1M

Similarly, the chemical standard state include;

a. Temperature is 25C

b. Initial concentration of reactants and products is 1M

Hence the answer.