before each item.
1. Which of the following refers to chemical digestion?
A. Chewing of food B.. Grinding of food C. Tearing of food D. Amylase in the saliva
2. In what organ most of the absorption process happen?
A. Stomach B. Small intestine C. Large intestine D. Esophagus
3. It is a digestive disorder wherein the body has the inability to digest sugar?
A. Gastritis B. Lactose intolerance
C. Diarrhea D. Peptic ulcer
4. The following are part of the digestion process EXCEPT
A. ingestion B. assimilation
C. excretion D. respiration
5. It helps to moisten the food and contains the enzyme amylase.
A. Saliva
B. Stomach C. Mouth D. Teeth
6. It is a process of taking in digested food nutrients into the cell by providing new protoplasm and energy
needed during the cell activities.
A. Ingestion B. assimilation C. Absorption D. Excretion
7. What causes constipation?
A. Lack of fiber in the body B. Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells
C. Lack of enzyme lactase D. Excessive consumption of coffee and acidic drinks
8. The nutrients from the digested food are being absorbed by the following processes except
A. passive diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. active transport D. ingestion
9. It is the organ that is responsible for reabsorbing water and minerals that are not digested in the small
A. Stomach B. Large intestine C. Small intestine
D. Esophagus
10. The following are the reasons why digested food should be assimilated into the cell EXCEPT
A. they are converted into protoplasm. C. they provide energy needed in cell activities
B. they are needed to store fats. D. they are converted to build cell membranes
11. What is the best treatment for a person who suffers lactose intolerance?
A. Take antibiotics
B. Balanced diet
C. Take lactase supplements before eating food contains dairy D. Practice healthy lifestyle
12. What happen during the assimilation process?
A. Absorbed nutrients are delivered into the cell
B. Breaking down of food into tiny pieces
C. Elimination of waste product of the digestion process D. Absorption of nutrients from the digested food
13. How does the enzyme amylase help in the absorption of nutrients?
A. It helps in the digestion of proteins.
B. It helps in the digestion of fats.
C. It helps in the digestion of carbohydrates. D. It helps in the digestion of lipids.
14. It is characterized as loose bowel caused by an infection of bacteria that we get from the food we eat.
A. Diarrhea
C. Gastritis
B. Peptic Ulcer
15. How saliva helps in the digestion process?
A. It reabsorbs nutrients from the food we eat.
B. It contains the enzyme amylase that helps in the digestion of starch.
C. It absorbs nutrients and distribute it in the bloodstream.
D. All of the above
16. How colon cancers can be treated?
B. By exercising
A. By eating foods rich in fiber
D. By undergoing surgeries.
g C. By taking lactase supplements​