True or false The lady or the Tiger, the conclusion is ambiguous since the reader does not know what is behind the door the young man was sent to

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"The Lady, or the Tiger" is a short story by American author Frank Richard Stockton. The main characters are a princess and the man with whom she falls in love. The princess is described by the narrator with the same adjective as her father, the king, is: semi-barbaric. The king, for example, has decided that it is a fair trial to have a criminal choose between two doors. Behind one, there is a tiger; behind the other, a maiden. Luck will decide if the criminal is guilty or not. In other words, if he chooses the tiger, he is automatically considered guilty, and his punishment is to be eaten by the animal. If he chooses the lady, he is innocent, and his reward is to marry her.

When the semi-barbaric king finds out his daughter is dating a man of inferior rank, he imprisons the man. Before her boy.friend enters the arena where the trial happens, the princess is able to find out which door leads to which outcome. The answer seems obvious: she will point him to the door that leads to the lady. But will she? The princess grows extremely jealous when she imagines the man she loves marrying another woman. She also grows sad when she thinks of him being devoured by a tiger. What will she do? If she is semi-barbaric, that means she can choose either option. Her barbaric side may lead her to betray him, but her loving side may lead her to help him. The story ends without revealing what was behind the door she pointed him to.

NOTE: I had to type "boy.friend" like this because, for some reason, Brainly would not let me post the answer if I spelled it normally.