SOS Help ASAP!! 100 points + brainly if you get all these right

1.)Which of these economic ideas best fits the oil industry in the 1970s?

“Get out while the market is high.”

“Buy low, sell high.”

“Wait to buy.”

“Only invest what you can afford.”

2.)What role did Carl Albert play in the impeachment of Richard Nixon?

served as advisor to the president

presided over the impeachment

headed the judiciary committee

voted for removal of the president

3.)Who was the first Republican elected to the highest office in Oklahoma?

Carl Albert

Henry Bellmon

J.C. Watts

Robert Kerr

4.)Who pays for the Oklahoma government to function?

the people of Oklahoma

foreign nations that owe debts

other states with investments in the state

It pays for itself.

5.)Which of the following could be the focus of a recall in Oklahoma?


lieutenant governor



6.)In which of these areas did Bellmon cause controversy with hometown voters?

Select all that apply.


civil rights

busing for integration

Panama Canal


7.)Who enacted the oil embargo in 1973?

companies in Oklahoma


financial institutions


8.)Why are there more representatives than senators in Oklahoma?

The state allows more people to run for representative.

The senate may only have a certain number and representatives have no limit.

There is the same number in each house.

State senators represent larger districts.

9.)How was the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act a fresh start?

It abolished all previous Indian boarding schools.

It allowed the government to take direct control of tribes.

It overruled former policies that constrained Native Americans.

It gave the tribes complete independence from all government assistance and provisions.

10.)Which of the following had the strongest influence on writing the Oklahoma constitution?

Select all that apply.


railroad industry




11.)Which is least likely to occur during boom times?

building expansion

increased investments

exodus of population

spending increases