GAA TTC GCA Original strand
CTT AAG CGT Complimentary strand
The original strand is already given. It is GAA TTC GCA
Now we need to recognize the complementary strand from the pool of options and pair their bases. Names are written with their letters.
Nitrogenated bases that form nucleic acids correspond to purines and pyrimidines.
In the DNA molecule, Adenine (Purine) forms pairs with Timine (Pyrimidine), while Guanine (Purin) pairs with Cytosine. Two hydrogen bonds join the A-T pair, and three hydrogen bonds join the G-C.
Knowing this, we need to find the correct option, which will pair A with T and C with G.
G ⇔C
A ⇔ T
A ⇔ T
T ⇔ A
T ⇔ A
C ⇔ G
G ⇔ C
C ⇔ G
A⇔ T